Do not roll down tape. Continuous roll in red and white. Will cover approximately 200 window switches.
1000 stickers per roll. Use on roll down window switches after film installations. Features low-tack adhesive.
Helps reduce scratching of automotive films on some vehicle roll down windows. 50′ roll.
Helps reduce scratching of automotive films on some vehicle roll down windows. 50′ roll.
Handy for three basic purposes: 1) marking film prior to installation of windows with unusual shapes (arches, trapezoids, etc.) which must be cut to approximate shape before the final “lay-up;” 2) circling a contaminate (hair or fiber) before pulling back the film to remove it; 3) marking film edges to check for glass movement on side roll-ups during the trimming process. Yellow grease mark easily wipes away.
Used by installers to hide fine line mistakes in trimming which cause excess light intrusion at the film edge.
Used by installers to hide fine line mistakes in trimming which cause excess light intrusion at the film edge.