Measure, Mark & Trim

GT157 – 1/2″ Black Out Tape

150′ roll. Used to hide light gaps.

GT158 – 1″ Black Out Tape

150′ roll. Used to hide light gaps.

GT159 – 1 1/2″ Black Out Tape

150′ roll. Used to hide light gaps.

GT990 – 3/8″ Red Film Tape

Used to re-tape film left on the roll.

GT991 – 1″ Red Film Tape

Used to re-tape film left on the roll.

GT1096 – Do Not Roll Down Tape (Red, White)

Do not roll down tape.  Continuous roll in red and white.  Will cover approximately 200 window switches.

GT981 – Do Not Roll Down Stickers

1000 stickers per roll. Use on roll down window switches after film installations. Features low-tack adhesive.

GT078 – 1 1/2″ Wide Black Acrylic Felt

Helps reduce scratching of automotive films on some vehicle roll down windows. 50′ roll.

GT078-75 – 3/4″ Wide Black Acrylic Felt

Helps reduce scratching of automotive films on some vehicle roll down windows. 50′ roll.

GT075 – Yellow Film Marker

Handy for three basic purposes: 1) marking film prior to installation of windows with unusual shapes (arches, trapezoids, etc.) which must be cut to approximate shape before the final “lay-up;” 2) circling a contaminate (hair or fiber) before pulling back the film to remove it; 3) marking film edges to check for glass movement on side roll-ups during the trimming process. Yellow grease mark easily wipes away.

GT076 – Film Opaquer Pen-Thin Point

Used by installers to hide fine line mistakes in trimming which cause excess light intrusion at the film edge.

GT077 – Film Opaquer Pen-Broad Point

Used by installers to hide fine line mistakes in trimming which cause excess light intrusion at the film edge.

GT187 – 12″ Triangle

45/90 degrees with circle templates.

GT186 – 8″ Triangle

30/60 degrees with circle templates.

GT182 – 36″ Straight Ruler

36 inch ruler with imperial measurements including 1/8ths and 1/16ths.
